Join MA
In Alabama, Manufacture Alabama is the only trade association that focuses exclusively on manufacturers and their vendor/supplier partners. By partnering with MA, Members provide valuable resources to Alabama’s only voice for industry. MA member companies also receive personalized attention as unique challenges and opportunities arise at individual facilities. Additional member services include:
- Representation and access to lawmakers and regulators in Montgomery and Washington, D.C.
- Regulatory counsel and representation
- Comprehensive legislative reporting during legislative sessions
- Resource groups and industry advisory council participation
- In-depth technical reviews of rules and regulations
- Best practices sharing on compliance issues
- Discussion forums with regulators
- Development of policies and special initiatives
- Conferences, legislative events, networking opportunities and other events throughout the year
- Annual member directory access and listings
- JOBS PAC representation
- Communications and updates on all things impacting manufacturers
- Hosting opportunities for elected officials, educators and other state leaders
- Speaking and exhibiting opportunities at Manufacture Alabama events
- Exclusive University of North Alabama scholarship available to all MA-member employees UNA Works
There are two member categories: Manufacturing Members and Partner Members.
Manufacturing Members are companies with manufacturing facilities in the State of Alabama. Partner Members are companies that provide supplies, consulting, technical services, laboratory, construction, maintenance, transportation, legal, accounting, management, personnel, or otherwise support the manufacturing industries in Alabama.