Safety Achievement Awards Rules & Regulations
A. Purpose and Objectives
The annual Safety Achievement program was developed for participation by all Manufacture Alabama member plants, and is designed to serve as a motivational tool:
- To encourage and reward good safety performance.
- To provide member companies with a standard method of measuring and comparing safety performance with similar size plants.
- To recognize plants achieving superior safety performance.
- To help ensure that Manufacture Alabama continues to strive to have the “safest” manufacturing industries in Alabama and in the United States.
B. Eligibility
The Safety Achievement Awards Program shall be open to all manufacturing plants that are Manufacture Alabama members that are engaged in any manufacturing activity.
Participation shall be by individual manufacturing unit. Where a company has two or more eligible plants, each plant shall consist of a separate entry in the achievement program in their respective categories. All employees carried on the regular plant payroll, including staff and line management personnel having offices on manufacturing plant property, are considered employees of the plant. Employees not included in the achievement program are:
- Staff and executive personnel housed in a separate company headquarters office building.
- Employees of the participating company involved in manufacturing activities not classified as belonging to the SIC Code Classifications listed above.
- Employees in sales and marketing who do not maintain offices at the manufacturing location and/or who are not on the regular payroll.
- Temporary employees engaged in special maintenance or construction work, not regularly and continuously employed and not carried on the regular payroll, or other contract labor.
Each individual participating unit must be in operation for the duration period of the achievement program (January 1 through December 31). Any company that experiences a work related fatality is disqualified from the achievement program for the remainder of the calendar year.
C. Divisions
For the purpose of determining recipients of awards in the achievement program, manufacturing plants participating in the achievement program shall be divided into the following Divisions
Division 1: Up to 125 employees
Division 2: 126 to 250 employees
Division 3: 251 to 500 employees
Division 4: 501 & Up
D. Achievement Award Period
The Safety Achievement Awards Program will be operated on an annual basis and the duration of the program shall be for the twelve-month calendar period of January 1 through December 31 of each year.
E. Method of Determining and Reporting of Standings and Recipients
The ranking of each participating plant in its Division shall be determined by using the recordable incident rate, which will compare all facilities to a common denominator.
F. Definitions
- Recordable Case
Any work-related injury or illness requiring more treatment than first aid as defined in the (American National Standard for Uniform Recordkeeping for Occupational Injuries and Illnesses) (ANSI Z16.4). These cases are logged in Column A of the form OSHA No. 300 “Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.”
Recordable Cases Include:
- Deaths, regardless of the time between occupational injury or illness and death.
- All occupational illnesses.
- Lost workdays - either days away from work or days of restricted work activity.
- Restriction of work or motion.
- Temporary or permanent transfer.
- Termination of injured or ill employees.
- Medical treatment other than first-aid.
- Incidence Rate
This is the “Incidence Rate of Total Recordable Cases” as defined in ANSI Z16.4. It is based upon the total number of Recordable Cases, as defined in Section F.1 above, that occurred during the period covered by the rate. The following formula should be used:
No. of Recordable Cases X 200,000
Exposure of Employee Hours
This is a measure of the number of Recordable Cases per 100 full-time employees.
- Severity Rate
This term is the total lost workday cases involving days away from work, days of restricted work activity, or both. Total will be used from Columns H and I. The following formula is used to compute this rate:
Lost Workday Cases and Restricted Work Activity X 200,000
Exposure of Employee Hours
- Exposure or Employee Hours:
The total number of hours worked by qualified employees of the participating plant during the program period. - Measurement of Safety Results
The measurement of safety results using the recordable incident rate will compare all facilities to a common denominator. Each industry has an NAICS Code rate which represents the recordable incident rate for all of the same type manufacturing operations. (Standard Incident Rates will be used from the Bureau of Labor Statistics – latest published results) A comparison of incident rate above or below the NAICS Code will be used for comparison purposes. If someone is better than their industry average, they may have performed better than someone with a lower incident rate that is above their NAICS Code. By a percent below the NAICS Code, a more equitable comparison can be made.
Standard Incident Rate - 5.2
Plant recordable Incident rate - 4.1
Percent above (below) NAICS rate - (21.32)
G. Operation of the Achievement Program
The administration of the program will be handled by: Manufacture Alabama, 401 Adams Avenue, Suite 710, Montgomery, AL 36104.
Manufacture Alabama will make available the annual Safety Achievement Award program form for completion via the Manufacture Alabama Website. Manufacture Alabama will maintain all records essential to the operation of the program and to the determination of standings and recipients. Such information is to be restricted to member plants participating in the program and will not be disseminated to other agencies, plants or companies without express approval of all the participating plants involved.
Manufacture Alabama shall have access to these records at all times. The participating plants will submit an annual report of safety experience to Manufacture Alabama on form provided. (The plant safety departments as needed may reproduce copies). These reports will contain the following information:
- NAICS 6-digit Code
- Employment at the start and end of the year.
- Total number of “Employees of Exposure Hours” worked during the applicable period. (Year To Date)
- Total number of Lost Work Day Cases during the applicable period.
- Total Restricted/Job Transfer Cases during the period.
- Total number of Recordable Medical Cases to be charged as a result of injuries and illnesses during the period (entries in Column A of form OSHA No. 300 “Log and Summary of Work Related Injuries and Illnesses”)
- A copy of the OSHA 300 log covering the period must be attached for verification of the number of cases. The left side of the form showing names, dates and description of injury or illness may be omitted.
- The date of submittal and signature of the authorized plant official or representative preparing report.
Reports shall be submitted annually to and received by Manufacture Alabama no later than the 25th day of January following the conclusion of the program period.
Failure to submit the report by the 25th day of January following the conclusion of the program period shall serve to eliminate the participant from the program. The deadline to submit 2021 reports has been extended until February 15, 2022.
H. Awards
Manufacture Alabama upon reviewing all submission results, shall select program awards. Awards shall be made each year at the Manufacture Alabama Annual Safety Conference or at a separate event as time allows.
- All plants with no lost workday cases receive a “No Lost-Time Certificate” presented by the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations.
- Only Manufacture Alabama member plants shall be eligible to receive plaques or certificates.